Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules

Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules

Live Transit App - Trip Planner & Timetables for Bus, Subway, Train, Uber, Bikes
Free Travel & Local Android App by
Rating 4.2/5 Downloads 100,000,000+ Updated 5/6/2024
Moovit is one app for all your urban mobility rides 🚍🚇🚘🛴.

🏆 "If you need to get anywhere by mass transit, you need will open up a new world for you, even if you just travel domestically" - USA Today 🏆

Transportation is an integral part of urban living. Whether you ride the train🚆, subway🚇, bus🚍, light rail🚈, ferry⛴️ or metro, use dockless scooters🛴, bikes🚴‍♀️, ride-sharing like Uber🚘 …See more
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules screenshots
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