Pathbuilder 2e

Pathbuilder 2e 238

Pathbuilder 2e for PFRPG 2nd Edition
Free Tools Android App by
File Name : com.redrazors.pathbuilder2e.238.apk
App Version : 238
Install Size : 74MB
Version Date : 2024-10-30
Uploaded : 2024-10-31
MD5 :
Sha1 : lCKY0ug3L-3aWOyqzO7FJlJLDKI
Added War of Immortals, AP 207 and player's guide.

Mythic can be enabled via character options or when creating a new character. Mythic alternative rules are possible via advanced options and custom bonus feat choices.

Removed use legacy feats/spells/equipment checkboxes as they were only required as an interim between the publication of PC1 and PC2.

Bug fixes for the animist.

You can add flat damage bonuses in weapon options now.
Pathbuilder 2e Last Versions
Pathbuilder 2ev242 2024-12-02
Pathbuilder 2ev241 2024-11-19
Pathbuilder 2ev240 2024-10-31
Pathbuilder 2ev238 2024-10-30
Pathbuilder 2ev237 2024-10-29
Pathbuilder 2ev236 2024-09-26
Pathbuilder 2ev235 2024-09-24
Pathbuilder 2ev233 2024-08-28
Pathbuilder 2ev222 2024-05-08
Pathbuilder 2ev219 2024-03-22