Inventory & barcode scanner

Inventory & barcode scanner 7.48

Inventory & Barcode scanner & collections & WIFI barcode scanner
Free Tools Android App by
Rating 4.3/5 Downloads 1,000,000+ Updated 5/5/2024
File Name : com.maiko.scanpet.748.apk
App Version : 7.48
Install Size : 24MB
Version Date : 2024-05-05
Uploaded : 2024-05-17
MD5 :
Sha1 : XOWzTHw8Fo17tT9lQc8ENda9hQY
SCANPET v7.47 uses column customization to define excel forms. So you edit the Excel file using a form. Available datatypes: string,number,lists of values,date,time,photo, latitude,longitude, etc.<br><br>And you can define powerfull filters and search for rows easyly. <br><br>Now the application has a usefull wizard to help you to configure the app.<br><br>With the customization of columns you can add or modify as many fields as you want on Excel file. So now you can work with Excel rows like if they were a form.