NS 7.23.2

The official planning application for the Dutch Railways.
Rating 4.2/5 Downloads 5,000,000+ Updated 11/17/2023
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App Version : 7.23.2
Install Size : 34MB
Version Date : 2023-11-17
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Every journey starts in the NS app. That is why we keep improving the app. Often we add new functionality, sometimes we remove some.<br>From this version onwards, everyone will see the same price in the Travel Planner. No longer based on the &#39;product&#39; and &#39;class&#39; you select. This didn&#39;t work well and raised many questions. Therefore, we are removing this option.<br>If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the app.<br>Enjoy your trip!
NS Last Versions
NS v7.33.0 2024-04-29
NS v7.32.1 2024-04-18
NS v7.31.0 2024-04-09
NS v7.30.2 2024-04-02
NS v7.29.1 2024-03-13
NS v7.28.2 2024-02-28
NS v7.27.1 2024-02-02
NS v7.26.1 2024-01-17
NS v7.25.3 2023-12-21
NS v7.24.1 2023-11-30
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